Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Symbolic Archetypes

Another archetype is Symbolic. A type of symbolic archetype is a "Magical Weapon". The characteristics of this archetype are a magical weapon only the hero can use fully. A movie that shows this archetype is "Narnia" because to anyone else the wardrobe was normal, but to them the wardrobe was a doorway to the world of Narnia. Also the White Witch had a magical dagger that turned the person or thing she cut with it to stone. Another item that had magical enhancements was Santa Claus' gift bags, which seemed empty but somehow held weapons for the four heroes.

A second symbolic archetype is the “Sunrise". The characteristics of this movie are beginnings, birth, and enlightenment. A movie that shows this archetype is "The Lion King". At the beginning of the movie, there's a scene of the rising sun starting off the new day. Also while the sun starts shining the next heir in the lion kingdom was born (Simba). Another thing was when the baby giraffe started taking its first steps and it stepped into the sunlight and felt its warmth.

A third archetype is "The one Tree". The characteristics of this movie involve immortality, and contrasts with the forest. The movie "300" would relate to this archetype because in a scene the main character Leonidous looks at a bare tree, with the rising sun behind it. While he does this he invisions his life back in Sparta with his wife. He imagines a great life spending time with his wife and taking care of his son. Also watching his grow up to a strong man.

A fourth archetype is "Supernatural Intervention". The characteristics of this archetype are when gods intervene either for or against the hero. The movie with this archetype is "Percy Jackson and the lightning Thief". One scene of this archetype is when Hades attacks the Camp Half-Blood and threatens to keep his mother in the underworld unless he'd give him Zeus' lightening bolt. Another scene with this archetype is when Percy was stuck in the Underworld and Persephone gave him a way out.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Character Archetype

A character archetype would be "The Hero". A hero archetype has a person of great strength or courage. The movie that this archetype symbolizes is "I am Legend". I chose this movie because the main character, Robert Neville, had to live by himself in ground zero. This took a lot of courage and strength because a person can go crazy when in solitary confinement. Also his dog, Sam, gets infected with the disease known as "KPV" and Robert had to kill her, and that would have also taken great strength.

A second type of character archetype would be "The creature of Nightmare". Characteristics of this movie would be a monster summoned from the deepest, darkest, part of the human psyche. The movie that goes with this archetype would be "Insidious". I thought this movie goes great with this archetype because the son Dalton can astral-project his body while sleeping. So one night he goes too far and can't find his body so he gets into a coma. While his spirit is away other spirits and demons get drawn to his lifeless body in hope of living again.

Another archetype is "The Mentor". This archetype is about a teacher or counselor to the initiate. A movie related to this archetype is "Karate Kid". The reason this movie relates is that the karate kid gets a master to teach him how to fight and protect himself. The master is named Mr. Han and Dre Parker is the student.

A fourth archetype would be "The Friendly Beast" and it has the basis of an animal who befriends a hero and aids them in the adventure. The movie that belongs to this archetype is "Shrek". These things go together because Donkey befriends Shrek and helps him save Princess Fiona from the castle. Also when Shrek realizes he loves Fiona, Donkey helps Shrek defeat Lord Farquaad and win Princess Fiona.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Situational Archetypes

A type of situational archetype would be "The Initiation." This type of archetype has the characteristics of an adolescent who comes to maturity and adulthood. This archetype appears in the movie "Slumdog Millionaire". I believe it occurs in this movie because the main character, Jamal, grows from a young boy living in the slums to a successful man. Then he ended up winning a million dollars so his whole life was building up to this point when he wins the prize and end up with the woman he loved.

Another achetype would be "The Task". This achetype has the characteristics of a hero having to do a task to save the kingdom, win the lady, and to identify himself in a rightful place in society. A movie this archetype appears in would be "Wanted". A scene this archetype appears is when the leader, Sloan, gives out hit orders for the assassins to kill. This would count as a task because the main character "Wesley" gets orders to kill people who are a threat to the world. Another part was that he was training hard to match up to the skills of a girl he liked.

A third situational archetype is "The Quest". This archetypes characteristics is the main character searches for a person or object to fix everything. A movie that goes with this archetype is "Balto". This movie belongs with it because the towns children are getting sick and they need someone to get medicine from the next city. So Balto, the dog, goes on a quest to prove he deserves to be a lead dog and get the medicine.

The last archetype I'll talk about is "The Journey". This is about the main character being sent in search of information. The movie that follow this archetype is "Shutter Island". This movie belongs to this because the main character "Teddy Daniels" goes to the island, which is an insane asylum to research phenomenons. But what he finds out is that he was there because he went crazy after his wife drowned his children and killed herself. As he was returning from war.